Going Home Project


Going Home is the title of a project where I plan to gather old and new songs of mine written in folk/country style. The page will be updated continuously. Below I present a little bit of the story behind each song. You find the lyrics after the playlist. Enjoy!

Little Piece of Love
In the summer of 2007 I was invited to a stunning manifestation of love – a three-day wedding on the Swedish island Gotland. It was therefore perhaps not surprising that I reflected a lot over love, where I walked along the island’s sandy beaches. Myself, I had just met a new man and was not sure if the love was reciprocated. The song was born out of that feeling and the imagery of the beach and the ocean. The music is written together with Sten Fläder who also plays guitars on the track.

Crossing Boarders
A co-write with Danilo Moscardino, an English singer-songwriter. We wrote the song when I visited him in Newcastle. A fascinating week in his house, which also hosted a dove-family, a hedgehog and a black cat. The song was written in one-go just before I left for the airport and my trip home. We had some trouble getting along, but as professional songwriters we did a good song about it instead of complaining… ; )

Song for a Child
In 2009 I attended a songwriting retreat on the Danish island Samsö. During a walk in the surroundings, I noticed a single large tree in the open countryside. There was not a soul in sight but from within I suddenly saw a woman dressed in black standing under the tree. And I knew instinctively that she mourned her dead child. I wrote the song in one go. Both the music and the lyrics are old-fashioned, so I guess it is her song. I just channeled it. On guitar: Sten Fläder.

Fields of Freedom
During av time when success is celebrated more than ever, it is tough for all of us who ended up outside for one reason or another. This is a song I wrote in 2013, the year before I became seriously ill. I had maybe a feeling what would happen. I dedicate this song everyone who is struggling to survive serious difficulties, whatever they are about.

A Little Piece of Love (2007)

You say you need time
to see if there’s a rhyme
Between your worried mind
and your emotions

And I hope that you´ll stay near
until the coastline’s cleared
And we can see what´s left from this flood
of emotions

I guess you’re wise
leaving the seed to grow
But sometimes when the darkness falls
I wonder will you (ever) show…

(´Cause) All I ask for is just a little piece of love
Why won’t you give it to me?
All I ask for is just a little piece of love
Why won’t you give it to me?
Give it to me now…

And now I hesitate
Don´t know if I could wait
for you to show the way to your

But I guess I´ll stick around
´til all my hope has drowned
and my heart lies bare after this flood of

I guess you’re wise
Leaving the seed to grow
“But sometimes when the darkness falls”
I wonder will you (ever) show…

(´Cause) All I ask for is just a little piece of love
Why won’t you give it to me?
All I ask for is just a little piece of love
Why won’t you give it to me?

Give it to me now…

Oh, won´t you give it to me
Give it to me
Give it to me now
Show me love

©Jessica Rydén

Song for a Child (2009)
I saw a spark that left the sky
Without a warning no goodbye
On that day I fell apart
Silence entered my heart

Your flower bloomed for such short time
After a summer frail bells chimed
The grass turned yellow in my yard
And silence darkened my heart

Roads are curving
Pages turning
New winds yet to come
Yes I know someday have to face it all
But for now
I give myself this moment
to recall

I saw a spark that left the sky
Without a warning no goodbye
On that day I fell apart
Silence entered my heart

Roads are curving
Pages turning
New winds yet to come
Yes I know someday have to face it all
But for now
I give myself this moment
to recall

And I call
and I call
and I cry
for you

©Jessica Rydén

Fields of Freedom
How come it is so hard to reach the fields of freedom
How come it is so hard to know where you belong

I ask for nothing, but somewhere to rest my head
To find a shelter before the sky turns red

How come it is so hard to reach the fields of freedom
How come it is so hard to know where you belong

I ask for nothing, but somewhere to quinze my thirst
To find a shelter before the night winds burst

How come it is so hard to reach the fields of freedom
How come it is so hard to know where you belong

How come it is so hard How come it is so hard How come it is so hard
to know where you belong

©Jessica Rydén

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